Mittwoch, 30. November 2011
ebay nail and makeup stuff
Hey sweeties <3
Today a huge package arrived and it was filled with super cute stuff me and my mom bought from an super cheap ebayshop about two weeks ago.
My mom bought her first fake lashes and as she didn't like the style of one package so I got them. Here's all of the stuff I got (mom gave it to me as a present for st. nicholas day):
eyelash applikator
nailart stuff
more nailart stuff
So I guess I'll use some of the stuff within the next days and show you how I liked it.
Love, M.
last weekend
Hey sweeties <3
Wow I haven't been bloging for ages! But honestly my life was just so boring and depressing that I just didn't feel like posting anything.
Last weekend I finally met my boyfriend again (we haven't seen each other for two weeks as I've been sick and haven't been allowed to leave the house the weekend before), but before that I went to Natsumi-sans place on friday.
I did her nails and slept at her place. On saturday we met our friends Chris and Shu in Linz. We wanted to go to a christmas market but ended up at a cofeeshop :D
Here are some pics:
Me in the train :DD
Best coffee I ever had <3 Caramel Nut Moccachino
After meeting my friends I went to Vienna to meet my boyfriend. I felt like I hadn't seen him for ages. We went straight to his home and had another amazing dinner his mom prepared for us (If someday I turn fat I know whose fault it will be :DDD). We watched TV together and just enjoyed the time together.
On sunday we decided to visit a chirstmas market at the town hall place. It consists mostly of food, food, jewelry and lots of food. We bought huge bertzels, one that tasted like a bismarck with cinnamon and sugar on top and one that was filled with vanilla pudding. Afterwards we had three cups of punch together.The first was actually "Jagatee" which was really really too strong, the second was with pomegranate flavour (our favourite) and the last was with egg liqueur (again really strong).
I love how his eyes glow when he's wearing his lenses
as you can see my darlin didn't really like the Jagatee
cute little castle and the heart tree
All in all I had a great weekend and enjoyed the warm weather.
Since I left Vienna my life seems to be dull and grey again. I really can'T wait for the next weekend!
I'll write another post right after this one to tell you what just lighted up my day ;)
Love, M.
Montag, 7. November 2011
dm porduct test
Hey sweeties <3
Those of you who live in Europe might know dm it's a multinational drugstore company that was founded in Germany.
They also have a fanpage for their austrian stores on facebook. If you like this page you can become a dm product scout. I've did it for the second time now and I'm really glad I joined in again. The first time I got to test a got 2 be volume powder, which I love for gyaru hairstyles, as I don't have to tease them so much when using it.
This time we got shower gels from balea young. Balea is a dm exclusive brand. My sister also registered and luckily we got both of the new designs. Mine is called "Zuckerschnute" and my sister got "Traumgeschöpf".
Let's talk about Zuckerschnute first. It smells like vanilla joghurt mixed with cotton candy and lemon. I love how all of my skin smells so sweet and yet fresh after showering. I really like the design of the bottle and everything it's just perfect all over.
Now on to Traumgeschöpf. The smell is a mixture of musk, almond and roses, but to me it smells like nectarine. Under the shower it smells a little bit bitter, but still sweet and soft. The design of the bottle is very charming and appealing too.
At the shop I think you will pay about 2€ for a bottle and I think they are really worth it.
All of you who love sweet and charming shower gels should definitely give them a try.
Love, M.
Donnerstag, 3. November 2011
Ebay Arrivals
Hi Sweeties <3
As I metioned earlier this week some of the things I ordered in the last time arrived these days, so here's a short post on these things.
First my new Fall/Spring boots from ebay.
At first I wanted to buy some awesome boots from rakuten, but they were too expensive, so I decided to look through ebay to see if I can find something nice and I did! I bought them from this ebay shop.
What's really funny is the fact that me and my boyfriend had a little walk at my hometown and when we stopped at a shoestore we saw a pair of shoes that looked just like my new boots (the only difference is that the upper part is shirred) but those cost 245€. So that's one more reason for me to love my new boots. They are really confortable and look very good when worn.
Next my lower lashes (also from ebay) arrived.
I didn't think they would come anymore as it took over one and a half month but finally they arrived and they look pretty good. I haven't found time to make pictures while wearing them but here's a shot of them in the package.
They haven't been very expensive so I ordered 30 pairs, which is way too much for me. I've been thinking about doing a Giveaway soon so maybe I'll use them for it.
The last thing is not really one of my purchase but one of my boyfriends. I ordered some circle lenses for him at As he is chinese his eyes are a very deep, dark and rich brown, which I totally love but he dislikes a lot. So we decided to order a pair of optical circle lenses. We chose the GEO Tri-color world in brown. I will give them to him tomorrow and will take some pics with him to show you how they suit him.
So this is really enough posting for today. Have a nice evening sweeties!
Love, M.
circle lenses,
fake lashes,
lower lashes,
Rezept Post: Kürbiscremesuppe
Hey meine Süßen <3
Diesmal habe ich eines meiner liebsten Suppenrezepte mitgebracht: Kürbiscremesuppe. Das Original stammt von Johann Lafer. Ich habe einige Mengenangaben geändert, sodass das Ergebnis mehr meinem persönlichen Geschmack entspricht.
Hier sind die Zutaten die ihr für ca. 5-6 Teller braucht:
1 mittelgroßen Hokkaidokürbis (~ 1 kg mit Kernen und Haut)
250 ml Sahne
2 Schalotten oder 1 große Zwiebel
1 Knoblauchzehe
100 ml Weißwein
500 ml Hühnerbrühe
1 tl Currypulver
Salz & Pfeffer
frische Muskatnuss
40 g Butter
Zuerst solltet ihr euch nach einem geeigneten Messer umsehen. Es sollte sehr scharf sein und entweder ein gezacktes Brotmesser mit dem sich der Kürbis ganz einfach aufsägen lasst oder eines mit glatter Klinge das einen dünnen Rücken hat.
Schneidet den Kürbis in zwei Hälften und kratzt die Kerne und all das weiche Gewebe in dem sie sitzen heraus, am besten eignet sich dazu ein Löffel mit scharfer Kante oder ein Eislöffel. (Die Kerne kann man gesäubert trockenen und dann in der Pfanne rösten)
Schält den Kürbis vorsichtig. Die Haut ist sehr hart und man muss wirklich vorsichtig sein um sich nicht in die Finger zu schneiden. Im Anschluss schneidet ihr das Kürbisfleisch in ca 2x2 cm große Stücke.
Schneidet den Zwiebel und den Knoblauch in kleine Stücke und dünstet sie in der zerlassenen Butter bis sie glasig sind. Gebt das Kürbisfleisch und das Curry dazu. Kurz durchschwenken und mit dem Weißwein ablöschen.
Lasst es einkochen bis der typische alkoholische Duft vergangen ist und gebt die Suppe und die Sahne dazu. Kocht das ganze für ungefähr eine halbe Stunde oder bis das Kürbisfleisch ganz weich ist.
Schmeckt das ganze mit Muskat, Salz und Pfeffer (und als besonderes Extra vielleicht eine kleine Prise Zimt) ab. Mit dem Pürierstab wird die Suppe gemixt bis sich eine gleichmäßig cremige Suppe ergibt.
Wenn euch die Suppe zu dickflüssig ist gebt noch etwas Wasser dazu und wenn sie zu flüssig ist dann lasst sie einfach noch ein wenig länger Kochen.
Am besten Serviert man die Suppe heiß mit Croutons und einem Schuss Kürbiskernöl. Ich persönlich mag auch zerstoßene geröstete Kürbiskerne gerne auf meiner Suppe.
Ich hoffe ihr werdet dieses Rezept genauso sehr wie ich genießen. <3
Love, M
Recipe Post: Pumpkin Cream Soup
Hey Sweeties <3
This time I bring to you one of my absolute favourite soup recipes: Pumpkin Cream Soup. The original recipe is by Johann Lafer, but I changed some things to make it suit my taste more.
Here's what you need for approximately 5-6 bowls:
1 medium sized Hokkaido pumpkin (~ 1 kg with seeds and skin)
250 ml Cream
2 shalotts or 1 large onion
1 garlic clove
100 ml white wine
400 ml chicken soup
1 tsp curry powder
salt & pepper
fresh nutmeg
40 g butter
First you need to find a large and very sharp knife. You should use either one with a saw like blade or with a thin blade in order to be able to cut the pumpkin.
Cut the pumpkin into halves and scratch the seeds and all the stringy parts out with a simple spoon or an ice scoop (you could keep the seeds to dry and roast them, but be sure to clean them properly).
Then cut off the skin. You have to be very careful or you might cut your fingers, as this is really tricky. Afterwards cut it into pieces that are about 2x2cm big.
Cut the onion and garlic into small cubes and fry it in the butter until it turns glossy and translucent. Add the pumpkin and the curry powder. Stir lightly and add the white wine.
Let it cook until the typical alcohol flavour has gone and add the soup and the cream. Cook it for about half an hour or until the pumpkin cubes turn soft.
Add nutmeg, salt and pepper (and if you like a small pinch of cinnamon) until the soup suits your taste best. Mix it until its creamy and all of the bits have gone.
If the soup is too thick for your taste you can add some more water, if you think it should be even creamier just let it cook for a little while longer.
Serve it hot with croutons and a little bit of pumkin seed oil. I really love to add crunched roasted pumpkin seeds as topping.
I hope you will enjoy this recipe just as much as I do. <3
Love, M
Mittwoch, 2. November 2011
my past week
Hi Sweeties <3
So as I already promised you I will now talk about my last week.
Last sunday I've at a Lolita meetup in Vienna. It was the 7th anniversary of the premier of Shimotsuma Monogatari (Kamikaze Girls), which is one of myfavourite movies, because it reminds me of me and my friends a lot. So we watched it together at a small cinema where you can rent your own cinema. We had very much fun watching the movie. My boyfriend and even another non-loli friend and her boyfriend joined us.
Sorry for the bad pic, we were really in a hurry. So this was my outfit for that day.
The four of us afterwards went to a games-con called Game City, which took place at the vienna town hall. They presented a lot of new games, but the only one I was really interested in (NFS The Run) was "not available" for testing, as there where like hundreds of people wanting to test it. So after taking a quick look at every thing we left again.
The things that were most impressive, yet not 100% worth buying, were: Tekken x Streetfighter, The Legend of Zelda , NFS The Run, all of the Kinect games (they seemed to real fun), Uncharted 3 (they had an amazing booth) and there was some kind of Games presentation/testplayingthingie that was installed inside of an Audi which was constantly moving like a lowrider.
The 26th is a national holiday in Austria. We celebrate that we declared to be eternally neutral on 26th of October 1955. So everybody had a day off and I went to vienna to see my honey. We wanted to go to the city to visit a museum or something like that but in the end we used up all of or time gameing and watching tv together. The weather was not very good and I hate going out when the air is too damp, because it makes my hair look even worse.
And then finally on friday a very good friend of mine, my sister and me went to the Schallaburg, which is a renaissamce castle that was turned into a museum. We visited an exhibition about Venice, which we've been looking forward to for all of the past week. Unfortunately it hasn't been even half as good as we expected it to be. The title was "Venice -Seapower, Art and Culture". Well every second sign said that venice was a really important haven... the paintings were soso. But they had some awesome panorama drawings of venice which were unbelievalby detailed. They exhibited a lot of books but unfortunately the only thing you could see where the frontpages of most of the books. All in all it was absolutely not worth the money we paid for it (8€ with student dicsount, 9€ for adults).
Well I had a great week and within these last days a lot of new things arrived here too, but I will tell you about that in another post.
Love, M.
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